And that offers hope for American democracy
They believe that right-wing speech should be sacrosanct, and liberal speech officially disfavored.
How a conservative decision at the Supreme Court could lead to a liberal outcome
The chief justice pens a paean to criminal defense attorneys, never mentioning the national crisis the Court has helped perpetuate.
Nielsen v. Preap will determine whether thousands of longtime U.S. residents face indefinite detention without a hearing.
The U.S. Supreme Court weighs which disputes America’s Indian tribal courts can adjudicate.
The president sought to dramatize the selection process, but he ultimately delivered a workaday statement nominating the most conventional candidate on his shortlist.
A group of religious non-profits will challenge contraceptive coverage in a set of cases that echo Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby Stores.
Earlier iterations of the executive order were rushed and unpolished. But the third version could very well pass the Supreme Court’s test.