By declining to strike down controversial forms of lethal injection, the U.S. Supreme Court pushed some justices to reject the constitutionality of all capital punishment.
Innkeepers may now challenge cops who want to spy on guests, but can still be jailed for failing to collect and store detailed information at check-in.
A sexual-assault allegation against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee brings the fight over gender and power to the fore.
This morning, all nine justices revealed what they really think about the right to counsel.
The Supreme Court is about to destroy the 20-year-old, and grossly unjust, federal criminal sentencing system, but without any idea of what to put in its place.
The Supreme Court has struck down parts of a major Texas law regulating access to the procedure. To do so, it had to navigate competing claims of medical fact and an intent to protect women.
A series of Supreme Court decisions have made it easier to make anonymous campaign donations.
Disparate-impact claims survived in a 5-4 decision, but the narrow opinion suggests a tough fight ahead for civil-rights laws.
In 1987, the Supreme Court came within one vote of eliminating capital punishment in Georgia based on evidence of racial disparities. Instead, it created a precedent that civil-rights advocates have been fighting for decades.