America has an efficiency problem, but Elon Musk is not the man to fix it.
The European Court of Human Rights says Italy must recognize same-sex unions. Will the ruling reverberate across the continent?
The answer could come down to a provision in campaign-finance regulation.
A recent court decision forbade a white city in Alabama from breaking away from a diverse district—but it also weakened the court’s power to integrate schools going forward.
Legal ethicists are alarmed by a recent federal appeals court ruling that requires attorneys to suggest alternatives to the lethal injection procedures they deem unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court has been asked to take a case that could deal a crippling blow to the labor movement.
Why are Democrats blocking Janice Rogers Brown from serving on the federal appeals court? A look at her speeches and judicial opinions shows why.
There's something to be said for using the 1964 Civil Rights Act to combat real discrimination, not imagined bias.