Annie Lowrey

Annie Lowrey is a staff writer at The Atlantic. She is the author of Give People Money, which was shortlisted for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award. Prior to joining The Atlantic, she was a staff writer for The New York Times and New York magazine, as well as the Moneybox columnist for Slate. At The Atlantic, she writes about the economy and politics.

Work in Progress

Derek Thompson, Rogé Karma, Annie Lowrey, Jerusalem Demsas, and others explain today’s news and tomorrow’s trends in work, technology, and culture.


  1. Put Down the Vacuum

    Americans need to get off the tidiness treadmill.

    video collage of women cleaning their houses
    Video by Joanne Imperio / The Atlantic. Sources: Archive Films / Getty; Internet Archive; Prelinger Associates / Getty.
  2. Ratpocalypse Now

    Those rat-proof bins? Not rat-proof after all.

    Red silhouettes of rats scattered over the image of an explosion
    Illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Source: Getty.