After losing in court, he seems at a loss for what to do next.
Judges may be human, says the associate justice of the Supreme Court, but that doesn't mean they're swayed by the public or the president
The Supreme Court needs to make clear that police have broader powers than they realize to question suspects
The administration's position is so outrageous that the Supreme Court might hand Bush a humiliating defeat
The president may eventually face legal liability, but he will not face a public reckoning for his actions before November.
How far do religious-liberty claims actually extend following the Supreme Court's ruling?
But the Supreme Court refused to say that rescinding DACA won’t occur in the future.
The conservative justices say that vaccine policy is Congress’s or the states’ job, but in practice they’re the ones calling the shots now.
"Comparativism"—using foreign legal rulings to help interpret the Constitution—is startlingly on the rise in the U.S. Supreme Court