Opponents of same-sex unions try to convince the Supreme Court that the state has no interest in "love and commitment."
In a pair of rulings on partisan gerrymandering and the census, Chief Justice John Roberts enshrined the nation’s modern form of winner-take-all politics into law.
I thought I was writing fiction in The Handmaid’s Tale.
Last week, the justices set a grim precedent for civil rights.
Twenty-one children brought a lawsuit arguing that the government needs to act on climate change. A federal court dismissed it.
There are limits to the conservative theories that a majority of the justices are willing to endorse.
The Supreme Court's greatest failing is not ideological bias—it's the justices' increasingly tenuous grasp of how the real world works
The Supreme Court's ruling on campaign finance means that all but the most blatant corruption is likely to escape the law's scrutiny.
Based on their opinion in yesterday's affirmative action case, three Supreme Court justices seem to think that minority rights should be left in the hands of voters.