Bay Area cities are loosening restrictions on so-called accessory dwelling units, which homeowners can build in their basements, attics, or out on their lawns.
For seniors at San Diego’s Monarch School—where 93 percent of students have no form of permanent housing—earning a diploma means leaving behind their only reliable source of food, clothing, healthcare, and more.
Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.
Investing in Rust Belt communities would not fix what they see as the actual problem.
Kamala Harris couldn’t outrun inflation.
Thousands of acres across the country were partially developed during the housing boom. What should happen to them now?
Communal living is hardly a departure from tradition—it's a return to how humans have been making their homes for thousands of years.
Economists have considered the implications of building more housing, raising taxes on the rich, expanding unions, and reducing social safety nets. Is there an answer we haven’t considered yet?
The president proposes a terrible solution to a very real problem.