The ruling by the Hague Appeals Court upholds a lower court’s decision three years ago.
Justice Alito blamed his wife for the incident, but he did not disavow what the symbol stands for.
The high court now stands at a crossroads, waiting for a ninth justice to determine whether it will be a liberal court or a conservative one.
The Supreme Court’s decision to overrule the long-standing Chevron doctrine could be used to undo environmental progress.
The U.S. Supreme Court turned back a conservative challenge to the University of Texas at Austin’s plan to increase student diversity.
Splitting 5-4 along ideological lines, today the Supreme Court ruled a key provision of the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional.
Could the battles over Supreme Court nominations become so acrimonious that it becomes impossible for anyone to win Senate confirmation?
The Supreme Court that will hear LGBTQ discrimination cases this week is radically different from the Court that legalized same-sex marriage four years ago.
“[The Court’s] own power is also enhanced by the fact that it will be judges deciding what are official or unofficial acts.”