Ill-advised Supreme Court rulings and unfortunate media bias have exacerbated the nation's increasingly polarized politics.
It’s almost impossible to hold them to account.
Even in the face of clear precedent, some justices just don’t like it when a convicted petitioner is right on the law.
The Republicans are angry—and both parties are beholden to special interests.
The U.S. Supreme Court will review an Ohio procedure that removes voters from the rolls if they haven’t cast a ballot in six years and fail to return a postcard.
The justices have destroyed all the rules, customs, and traditions that used to restrain gerrymanders
While we wait for the main course -- the Affordable Care Act case -- the Court offers some intriguing appetizers
The Supreme Court vacancy will surely inflame an already-angry nation.
The Supreme Court wants the real reason for census change, and the government is running out of time to give it.