How his insightful remarks about the Constitution inadvertently make the case for a Supreme Court "media pool"
The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down two Texas abortion-clinic restrictions in a 5-3 decision.
The justices will decide four new cases without strong partisan valence.
The justices come close to recognizing the perilous state of the American public-defense system.
This Supreme Court has shown a tremendous capacity to surprise.
The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals strikes down the state’s strict voter-ID law.
Less than an hour after the president announced his appointment of Judge Neil Gorsuch, demonstrators gathered to voice their disapproval.
Justice Neil Gorsuch warmly embraces state killing—even if the state knowingly inflicts agony in the process.
It’s the issue many conservatives care about most—but when Clinton blew an answer at the debate, the Republican nominee didn’t even seem to notice.