That’s not how separation of powers works under the U.S. Constitution.
On the jurisprudence of Sandra Day O’Connor, possibly the swing vote on the new Supreme Court
The country needs to know the limits of executive privilege.
Readers discuss the Court’s political past—and its future.
A U.S. Supreme Court ruling and the imminent passage of a debt-relief bill raise questions about Puerto Rico’s status.
In a civil-rights case involving two professional baseball players, all nine justices side against a law-enforcement official.
The U.S. has a climate policy, and it wants the Supreme Court to enforce it. That policy: No such thing.
Threat-making has suddenly taken over politics, thanks to the Supreme Court vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
The retired Supreme Court justice would like to add five words to the Eight Amendment and do away with capital punishment in America. It's a shame he didn't vote that way during his 35 years on the Supreme Court.
Led by Cory Booker, senators are breaking the rules to protest the GOP’s speedy consideration of Brett Kavanaugh. But their effort is likely too little, too late.