They want to blame the bureaucrats, but they’re going to need those very same bureaucrats if they want to get anything done.
Supreme Court cases on gay marriage and the Affordable Care Act test the chief justice's commitment to judicial restraint.
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could deal a serious blow to American organized labor.
It doesn't matter whether an employer is secular or religious, non-profit or for-profit. The Supreme Court’s precedents show that the government's interest in nationwide programs trumps all.
Though its major import is President Trump’s official endorsement of racist discrimination in law enforcement, a flagrant contempt for judges is the subtext.
The remaining presidential candidates have each said they’d fix big money in political races. But if the Supreme Court overturned its latest campaign-finance rulings, would anything really change?
The Supreme Court’s decision in Kingsley departs from a history of giving deference to law-enforcement officers.
The Supreme Court considers whether states that charge inmates with fees and restitution have to return that money if their convictions are set aside.
After losing in court, he seems at a loss for what to do next.