Sexism was used to convict Brenda Andrew. Will that fact save her life now?
The conservative justices are scrapping Americans’ constitutional rights, all while pretending they aren’t.
Senate Democrats will likely do a terrible job of cross-examining Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. They’d do better to hire their own counsel—and they can.
The justices will likely strike down Massachusetts's "buffer zone" law. But they might need to consult a tape measure.
Even if he’s confirmed to the Supreme Court, the fight over his nomination could go on for years—and could have ramifications for 2020.
The Supreme Court could leave a legacy as enduring as Brown v Board of Education.
Abortion is a winning issue for Democrats, and the vice president is well positioned to use it.
The state may have to revive a now-defunct school-scholarship program to make amends for supposed anti-Catholic sentiment at its founding.
A big win for Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood in today's case on the Affordable Care Act contraception mandate
A year after the Supreme Court ruled mandatory juvenile life sentencing without parole unconstitutional, the Midwestern state still hasn't brought its laws into compliance.