Artist R. Luke Dubois on his experiments with the intersection of data and humanity.
A guide to dating and relationships during the pandemic
A Manchester-based company has launched a dating app for Remain voters seeking other Remainers.
Netflix’s viral dating series didn’t need a flimsy moral imperative to attract audiences. But it tried to have one anyway.
And hopes to sell it for a six-figure sum.
The pandemic has boosted interest in trauma books full of advice that isn’t particularly relevant to what most Americans are going through.
Lauren and Cameron, Love Is Blind’s breakout stars, have succeeded not because of the show but in spite of it.
"Advertisements are sometimes spoken of as the nervous system of the business world ... As our nervous system is constructed to give us all the possible sensations from objects, so the advertisenent which is comparable to the nervous system must awaken in the reader as many different kinds of images as the object itself can excite"