The former secretary of state talked with The Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg about the Supreme Court, Russian interference in the 2016 election, and President Trump.
The Court just stacked the deck in favor of parties over voters—and laid the groundwork for yet more polarization.
The justices are forcing citizens to choose between voting and staying safe from the coronavirus. This fall’s election could be no different.
Ireland’s gay-rights movement has rejected the Church’s authority, even while embracing its values.
And a court just ruled in favor of the government, again.
Other countries have demonstrated three possible paths—not all of which lead to good endings.
A months-long political rivalry between President Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Khamanei has left the former with less power, which is increasingly concentrated in the hands of the latter
Former Senator Jon Kyl’s temporary return to Washington will give the GOP majority an immediate boost—and President Trump’s Supreme Court pick another vote.
A crop of court cases could change the relationship between the United States and its territories.