Several court cases argue that disability laws that apply to public places should apply to online spaces, too.
The Massachusetts Supreme Court will decide whether a local shrine should be tax-exempt—a decision that could have broad implications for faith organizations in America.
The highest court in America isn’t safe from mansplaining. A new set of rules for oral argument may change things.
Trump’s nominee to replace Justice Antonin Scalia possesses the same limited view of religious freedom supported by the conservatives currently on the Supreme Court.
One Texas judge says the new law could keep 600,000 mostly black and Latino voters from the polls.
Facebook’s made-up court is filling an enormous legal void.
In his second solo press conference as president, Trump weighed in on allegations against his Supreme Court nominee and called into question George Washington’s past.
Court Date
Demonstrators marched on the Capitol to protest a provision in the chamber’s health-care bill that would defund the organization.