The president is threatening to veto a military funding bill because it would rename 10 Army bases that honor Confederates.
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments on a lawsuit challenging the president’s executive order. Their ruling could be decisive on the directive's survival.
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the Indiana governor’s efforts to block their resettlement, calling his reasoning “nightmare speculation.”
Ted Olson often receives credit/blame for helping to create corporate personhood, but he's not so sure about the recent Supreme Court decision.
More than a dozen states have banned abortion. Why are rates still going up nationally?
John Roberts appointed every judge on the secretive and influential FISA court. Maybe it's time to spread around the authority.
A city ordinance protecting residents from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is defeated after a fierce campaign.
A devastating defeat in the Supreme Court could be a boon to the Democrats’ slim midterm hopes—if they can agree on the way to convert progressive anger into votes.