The court's judges are obstructing appointments to a key regulatory body. But since the Senate won't confirm Obama's own judicial picks, the appointments will stay stuck.
True romance is one of the deepest human experiences. To experience it fully, seek transcendence.
The longing for tidiness in #MeToo cases is understandable. It is also misguided.
To hold public office in the United States today is to know that someone could try to kill you.
These are not the staff picks of someone who doesn’t mean what he says.
Unless John Walker was involved in murder in Afghanistan, he shouldn't face the death penalty
The Trump administration steps into an on-going legal battle over civil rights—and steps on another agency’s turf.
The president’s executive order is opportunistic and Orwellian—but that was the whole point.
Legal technicalities dating back to 1922 have kept many players’ pay below poverty level.