Why are religious liberty and contraceptive rights being framed as opposites in a much-anticipated Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act?
The ex-president could yet win. And even if he doesn’t, Congress must patch up the legal loopholes he exploited.
The Supreme Court will soon decide whether one state can constitutionally mandate “partisan balance” on its judicial benches.
A very weird Section 230 case is headed to the country’s highest court.
Yesterday’s decision demonstrates the justices’ sympathy for their powerful peers.
The Supreme Court may let state legislatures decide the presidency.
If the Supreme Court requires states to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere, then it cannot allow states to refuse to celebrate such marriages themselves.
Fixating on the open Supreme Court seat will provoke a culture war.
Why the Mexican Supreme Court thinks the answer is yes
This is the progressive case for court packing in a nutshell: “If your wallet is stolen, you don’t forgo efforts to recover it just because it might be stolen again.”