Fixating on the open Supreme Court seat will provoke a culture war.
Why the Mexican Supreme Court thinks the answer is yes
This is the progressive case for court packing in a nutshell: “If your wallet is stolen, you don’t forgo efforts to recover it just because it might be stolen again.”
A once-feisty supreme court has gone supine under Narendra Modi.
The First Amendment forbids widespread loyalty purges.
Judge Bobby Shepherd of the Eighth Circuit has upheld, for now, two Missouri laws restricting abortion that are virtually identical to those struck down in 2016 by the Supreme Court.
The court disqualified him from office over allegations detailed in the Panama Papers.
Even if it’s not explicitly about him at all.
America is suffering from a severe housing shortage. A crucial tool may lie in the Constitution.
The Second Amendment has been vigorously protected by the elected branches of government—don’t look for the next Court to change that.