If the major rulings handed down this week seemed contradictory to you -- sometimes protecting state power, sometimes reducing it -- you're not the only one.
Win or lose at the Supreme Court, the GOP is likely to suffer at the ballot box as long as health is a central issue in future campaigns.
The attack on it is a violation of the nation’s post–Civil War rebirth.
The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to the “separate sovereigns” doctrine in Gamble v. United States.
As elections near, partisans always invoke a threat to the "balance" of the Court. But the real peril isn't ideology—it's blandness
Donald Trump promised religious voters that he would protect them with his Supreme Court appointments. The justices are not necessarily playing along.
The Supreme Court struck down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, but the feds can still demand "preclearance" in states where real discrimination is still occurring.
Trump's Supreme Court pick faces a brutal nomination fight ahead.
Only one week after refusing to stay Charles Warner's execution, the justices will now hear his fellow inmates' appeal on a questionable lethal-injection drug.
The Commission on the Supreme Court’s findings may end up helping to set reform in motion, rather than stopping it in its tracks.