The justices had given the EPA wide latitude to limit air pollutants before ruling against the agency on Monday.
Oliver Wendell Holmes made the analogy during a controversial Supreme Court case that was overturned more than 40 years ago.
Should repeat juvenile offenders be sentenced to life in prison? Today the Supreme Court takes up the question.
A majority on the Supreme Court appears ready to strike down the landmark decision—but they’re not prepared for the ensuing havoc.
The term is a case study in how words from Asian languages work their way into English, often with an exoticizing air that masks more complex cultural histories.
The party out of power has struggled to mount a unified opposition to the president’s agenda, but Senate Democrats rushed to criticize his nomination on Tuesday evening.
The former president was ordered freed Tuesday from hospital detention after the Supreme Court dismissed the charges of plunder against her.
The fight over the open seat on the U.S. Supreme Court isn’t just a partisan struggle—it revolves around the very meaning of the Constitution.
The Supreme Court will hear the case of a Latino man convicted after racist sentiments were allegedly expressed during deliberations, but longstanding rules about juries would prevent him from getting a new day in court.