The Supreme Court nominee’s judicial record suggests he means only that Roe v. Wade hasn’t yet been overturned, not that it can’t be.
An activist is on trial for being an activist, and the Supreme Court needs to protect anti-police protesters.
The justice and his allies want to treat the foreign-aid case like an everyday spat over the terms of a government contract. It couldn't be more different.
If liberals try to apply the logic of the Texas abortion ruling to their own favored causes, they might be in for a rude surprise.
This is the work of the Supreme Court’s emboldened, radical majority.
Five years after its landmark gun-rights decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court is avoiding any cases about the Second Amendment.
The justices declined to hear appeals of lower-court rulings that struck down marriage bans in Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
That’s not how separation of powers works under the U.S. Constitution.
On the jurisprudence of Sandra Day O’Connor, possibly the swing vote on the new Supreme Court