State officials can continue using the controversial power, a federal court rules.
On the second day of Senate hearings, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee offered few clues as to how he’d rule on specific issues if confirmed.
Surprise: The Supreme Court hasn't defined "conception" in a new ruling on religious freedom.
... and the one way it could lose
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether detained migrants can be held for longer than six months without a bail hearing.
A new Supreme Court case takes on one of the most well-known and misunderstood concepts in American criminal law.
While the Supreme Court remains hobbled and deadlocked, the lower courts are making power grabs.
The Supreme Court will rule on whether citizens can talk back to law enforcement without fear of consequences.
A federal judge held that the Trump administration’s desired change to the census violates the law, but the Supreme Court could review the decision.
India’s Supreme Court has to decide if African cheetahs could sub in for the country’s long-lost population of Asiatic cheetahs.