The three-term New York governor famously passed both on a bid for the presidency and a seat on the Supreme Court. What might have been?
A dispute about a stalking conviction has morphed into something very different—with potentially dangerous results.
The New Jersey senator’s mistrial is the highest-profile setback yet for federal prosecutors after a major Supreme Court ruling last year.
The Iowa Republican is running for his seventh term in the Senate, but this time, he faces a tough challenger amid growing criticism for his handling of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.
How did the nominee for the Supreme Court spend $60,000 to $200,000 on Washington Nationals seats—and how did he pay it off so quickly?
Advocates pushed for rules that would shift power toward older, white, more conservative areas—but they overreached, and the U.S. Supreme Court turned them down.
Obama’s Supreme Court nominee is the least political, most conciliatory choice. Whether that’s strategy or naïveté, confirmation is still unlikely.
Supreme Court appointments are not a persuasive reason for conservatives to back the billionaire.
An appeals court ruled yesterday that the health-care law contains a constitutional flaw—and that most or all of the law may have to be scrapped.