The Kentucky Republican became Senate majority leader with an aim to reshape the federal courts and secure a reliably conservative fifth vote on the Supreme Court for decades.
The unanimous decision in Noel Canning v. NLRB limits the power of the White House to fill federal posts—and could have a major impact after the midterm elections.
In a recent Supreme Court case, both sides took liberties with the facts.
The president called the late Supreme Court justice, who died Saturday, a “brilliant legal mind,” and said he plans to name a successor—likely setting up a fight with Senate Republicans.
Watching big companies abandoning corporate citizenship shows the flaw in the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision.
A society that has refused to regulate guns is now punishing parents for not doing so on their own at home.
When the government places a location monitor on you or your stuff, it could be violating the Fourth Amendment.
The Supreme Court said so 50 years ago. But there's no real accountability structure to enforce the obligation -- which means innocent people end up sitting in prison.
The U.S. Supreme Court rules on a case at the intersection of First Amendment rights, violent hip-hop lyrics, and online harassment.