The late judge didn't have a chance to move Supreme Court jurisprudence. But his failure to be confirmed had a profound and regrettable effect on how we nominate justices today.
Conservatives on the Supreme Court have engineered a system that allows half the country’s population to be stripped of a fundamental constitutional right.
The flip side of an Internet that is always growing is an Internet that is always changing.
The Supreme Court okays unwarranted DNA swabs, but Scalia says Patrick Henry would disapprove.
Advocates for students with disabilities argue the decision could help millions of children.
It is easy to mock the enraged opinions coming from the justices—but they’re no laughing matter.
A state judge is defying a federal court order allowing same-sex unions. But clearly, he's the exception.
The Maine senator wants a Supreme Court nominee who will support precedent, but Trump's candidates aren't likely to say how they might rule on a challenge.
What the NBA furor tells us about the Supreme Court