Biden hasn’t even named his nominee yet, and already conservatives are saying she’s undeserving.
Where does our bodily autonomy end and our duty to others begin? In March, The Experiment considered one answer, which lies in the story of a 1905 Supreme Court case about government-mandated vaccines.
Laws meant to curb corporate power and greed are—in the hands of the Trump administration and a conservative Supreme Court—being used against the public good instead.
The judiciary can't fix this: The Supreme Court has a poor track record protecting journalists from the government.
The Supreme Court nominee was recently accused of committing sexual assault while he was a student at the high school in the 1980s.
In ruling that government-funded treatment centers can serve sex workers, the Court is protecting both First Amendment rights and public health.
Advocate Health Care Network v. Stapleton pits financially strained organizations against their own workers, who fear their promised pensions may not be there when they retire.
Scott Turow and others offer recommendations.
A 1952 Supreme Court ruling gave civil-rights groups a way to combat anti-Semitism and other prejudices—but in the years since, it’s largely gone unused.