In ruling that government-funded treatment centers can serve sex workers, the Court is protecting both First Amendment rights and public health.
Advocate Health Care Network v. Stapleton pits financially strained organizations against their own workers, who fear their promised pensions may not be there when they retire.
Scott Turow and others offer recommendations.
Justices found common ground in asserting the relevance of the Fourth Amendment in the electronic age, even as they cited sharply different rationales.
A 1952 Supreme Court ruling gave civil-rights groups a way to combat anti-Semitism and other prejudices—but in the years since, it’s largely gone unused.
The Supreme Court didn't answer that question directly on Monday, but it laid the groundwork for eliminating unwise laws against untruths.
His conviction provides the party with real opportunity.
It’s not a magic wand to save America—but neither is it entirely useless.
The Supreme Court will examine two cases that could tell us how the conservative justices feel about the president-elect’s plan for mass deportations.
The Obama Administration finally offers up its legal justifications for drone strikes, describing a shaky policy already under constitutional challenge in federal court.,