Two cautious 5-4 rulings on criminal procedure show just how much influence the Supreme Court's swing vote has in shaping jurisprudence.
FC Barcelona’s Argentinian star Lionel Messi was sentenced Wednesday to 21 months in prison for tax fraud, but he won’t have to serve time. He says he’ll appeal the decision to Spain’s Supreme Court.
The Ivy has spent the past three weeks being grilled about whether it discriminates in its admissions process. But the legal battle over affirmative action will likely rage until the Supreme Court weighs in.
Will the justices, many of whom worked in the executive branch, hold the president’s words against him?
A repealed amendment and generations of Supreme Court rulings have left the constitutional regulation of private behavior in the past. Will it stay there?
A pioneering advocate of gay marriage responds to the Supreme Court’s historic ruling.
Seventy years after the mass internment of Japanese Americans was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, the ugly ideas at the core of its decision are resurfacing.
His Supreme Court case paved the way for hundreds of guns-rights lawsuits in America—but in Washington, D.C., he’s still waging war.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals handed the White House a defeat on Monday, ruling that the executive order’s justifications weren’t grounded in reality.