A justice of the Supreme Court should not act like a high schooler on the bench; when the target is a fellow justice, the offense is even greater.
Yet even some conservatives who’ve had the billionaire lie to their faces trust his pledge to nominate originalist judges to the Supreme Court.
A third accusation of sexual misconduct against the Supreme Court nominee comes the day before a climactic Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
The justices will take on a complicated set of cases related to the birth-control mandate in the Affordable Care Act.
The Supreme Court decision on school integration illustrates the pitfalls of both the conservative and the liberal approaches to the problem of race.
A Supreme Court ruling signals it’s possible. But pot is the least of Mexico’s problems.
The Supreme Court nominee vehemently denied the sexual-assault allegations against him, adding that “this confirmation process has become a national disgrace.”
The Supreme Court's interpretation of the First Amendment would protect even the racist chant at the University of Oklahoma—but it shouldn't.