The crowds rallying for a decisive statement on equality should prepare for anticlimax, and perhaps disappointment.
The court is leaning into its reputation as a welcoming home for right-wing litigation.
The Supreme Court seems poised to affirm that it can be displayed on public land—but a great deal rides on its rationale.
The Supreme Court struck down a Massachusetts law creating a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics. It's a narrow decision that says a lot about free speech.
The Supreme Court rules that a woman should not have been denied a job over her head scarf, but a Muslim chaplain says her hijab made her a target of discrimination on an airline flight.
The Supreme Court should overturn a circuit-court ruling in Noel Canning v. NLRB that would hamstring the president's ability to make recess appointments.
A court in Texas may put Obamacare on ice—everywhere.
A bare majority voted to end debate on the Supreme Court pick, but several pivotal members still haven’t announced what their final vote will be.
Trump promised to appoint justices who would “automatically” overturn Roe v. Wade. The chief justice just made sure that won’t happen before the 2020 election.