The Court may well invalidate the law, but not without taking a considerable risk.
The “supreme ordeal” of the Kavanaugh hearings dominated headlines beyond the United States.
A man’s life hinges on the Supreme Court’s evaluation of racist testimony during his sentencing.
The Supreme Court’s Peace Cross decision is very messy.
The president maintains his proposal would limit offshoring. A major provision of it would do just the opposite.
As is usual in abortion battles, the interest-group hysteria and media hype overstate what's really at stake in the cases currently before the Supreme Court.
The pressure to take a position, not just from Republicans, but also from fellow Democrats, may only grow.
Supreme Court dissents are a relatively recent phenomenon that have fundamentally changed the course of constitutional dialogue. Too bad justices aren’t summoning much enthusiasm for them this term.
DOJ lawyers pride themselves on working for an organization that is unique among federal agencies in its independence from politics—for now.