It is in the differences from past wars that insight into today’s battles lies.
If those records are damaged in Russia’s invasion, other Ukrainians might not have the same chance.
Russian state TV is sounding an awful lot like Trumpworld these days.
The great paradox in the world today is that the “dumb simplicity” of America’s self-perception is both obviously bogus and fundamentally true.
The future of the democratic world will be determined by whether the Ukrainian military can break a stalemate with Russia and drive the country backwards—perhaps even out of Crimea for good.
The Florida governor has a plan to win the Fox News primary—and lose everything else.
Countering “dangerous movements at home might be the most productive thing we can do to maintain a convincing voice abroad,” one reader argues.
On the intellectual bankruptcy of moral equivalence
Putin’s not-so-quiet sabotage campaign against European democracies