Graeme Wood

Graeme Wood is a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of The Way of the Strangers: Encounters With the Islamic State. He joined the magazine in 2006 after working as a translator, courier, and bootlegger in northern Iraq. He has since reported for The Atlantic from every continent except Antarctica, and on subjects ranging from foreign policy to pro wrestling. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and teaches at Yale University.


  1. Israel Never Defined Its Goals

    When I talked with Israeli national-security officials last year, the most realistic of them spoke of Gaza’s future as resembling the West Bank today.

    A photo of the Gaza Strip
    Menahem Kahana / AFP / Getty
  2. The End of a 13-Year Nightmare

    In the first days of Syria’s freedom, the country’s citizens appear to be behaving like traumatized, decent people worthy of their liberty.

    Photograph of a banner hung on a building depicting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, riddled with bullet holes.
    Omar Albam / AP