Despite their wacky brains, these intelligent animals seem to respond to the drug in a very similar way to humans.
The placebo effect shows up in pets too, but these treatments are fooling owners, not their animals.
“Given the choice between cruelty and kindness, I believe most humans will choose kindness.”
Exchanging wildlife specimens with museums and zoos can help law enforcement stop smugglers.
Polynesians brought chickens’ wild ancestors to the islands. Europeans brought domestic chickens. Now they’ve mixed, and are everywhere.
Wild horses could play a role in preventing wildfires, if we only gave them a chance.
Arachnids are proof that animals don't need big brains to be brilliant.
Invasive species are sometimes trapped, poisoned, and shot in large numbers to save native species from extinction. Some scientists say the bloodshed isn’t worth it.
The country’s wildlife agency, faced with a drought and financial troubles, has asked Zimbabweans with land to take its animals.
The impossible fight to persuade people to stop eating meat