And four other intriguing things: Mark Penn at Microsoft, a better virtual-reality headset, feminist data, and the ghosts of Fukushima.
In an effort to fight poverty, officials in Memphis and many other American cities demolished big public housing projects. But dispersing the residents brought crime into formerly safe areas.
The country's forced relocations cause town planners to get creative.
A small camp in Calais, France, housing nearly 8,000 migrants hoping to cross into England, is being evacuated and torn down in what French authorities are calling a “humanitarian” operation.
Almost half of young people "living with their parents" are in college, where all campus housing counts as "living with their parents," according to the Census.
A new report indicates that home prices will probably fall in this year as much as they did last year
Conventional suburbs are overbuilt and out of favor. In cities and suburbs alike, walkable neighborhoods linked by train are the future. Here’s how a new network of privately funded rail lines can make that future come to pass more quickly and cheaply—and help reinvigorate housing and the economy.