Food shortages will make grocery shopping more expensive and less fun.
Taking an extreme position, then demanding total orthodoxy, does no favors for democratic socialism in America.
Russian-backed influencers with an authoritarian message find a ready audience.
Ongoing political chaos will entrench the country’s economic and social problems—and leave Seoul woefully unprepared for Trump.
The VP has made social media into a vehicle for his ascent.
The Atlantic’s flagship show will launch May 25 with a new host, Hanna Rosin.
President Obama and Angela Merkel are looking to maintain a unified front over the war in Ukraine, even as some Europeans sour on sanctions.
Across the ideological spectrum, midterm voters lament a shared albatross.
The best reactions to breaking news are rarely the first ones.
The president told George Stephanopoulos that he’d drop out only if “the Lord Almighty” directed him to do so.