In her new book, Anna Shechtman argues for puzzles that reflect a broader sense of common knowledge.
"If I could only do one thing my whole life … it would be to make crosswords.” Life in Black and White is a series of four beautifully shot documentaries featuring people who work in "black and white." Andrea Carla Michaels is passionate about words, and has been constructing crossword puzzles for decades.
A conversation with Deb Amlen, New York Times crossword puzzler extraordinaire
We’re expanding our puzzles to the weekend, and launching a new feature so that you can play with friends.
It doesn’t have the richness of a crossword, but I play it religiously.
We made a cozy new corner of the internet for smart people who like words.
The future of puzzling is as fluid as the English language itself.
Our new print crossword puzzle puts a fresh narrative spin on a classic.
Learning to live online is a lot like learning to live alongside one another in cities.
The popular puzzles are largely written and edited by older white men, who dictate what makes it into the grid—and what is kept out.