A new study shows that conservation efforts in the Brazilian Amazon are linked to lower rates of some diseases.
In percentage terms, the president’s proposal offsets a modest increase in military funding with historic cuts to domestic programs.
Colorado, Utah, and Idaho have outperformed the national average in unemployment recovery. How'd they do it?
The editor in chief of Houghton Mifflin. PAUL BROOKS spends every holiday exploring the more remote and primitive of our national parks. As this goes to press he and his wife are deep in Canyonlands, that area in Utah which is note being considered for a new park.
“We have endured floods, and fires, and storms,” he said, without saying what made them all worse.
By saying the government is closed when most of it actually isn't, good-government advocates risk undermining the public's already meager faith in the state.
Acknowledging that kids’ education is good for parents is not a knock against teachers.