U.S. officials said the sanctions are punishment for the court's takeover of Venezuela’s democratically-elected congress.
In overturning the criminal convictions that resulted from the Bridgegate scandal, the Court is embracing a view of the world that is unbearably bleak.
The Republican Senate leader still isn’t budging when it comes to considering a nominee to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.
People may like to believe that the Court can accommodate conservative religious groups without causing much harm, but that does not seem to be the case.
A federal court in Virginia sided with a student who wanted to use boy’s bathroom, but the local school board is appealing the decision.
The Court needs to give the country a clear, final answer on Donald Trump’s eligibility for office.
Miami’s lawsuit against Bank of America and Wells Fargo now returns to a federal appeals court in Atlanta.
"One should never forget the immense moral pressure of such a great judgment as that just announced, and its capacity to persuade men of good will who have been doubting and hesitating"
Ill-advised Supreme Court rulings and unfortunate media bias have exacerbated the nation's increasingly polarized politics.
It’s almost impossible to hold them to account.