A lawyer who recently argued a case before Trump’s Supreme Court nominee relates what he learned.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor stood alone again on Monday as the U.S. Supreme Court chipped away at the Fourth Amendment's constraints on law enforcement.
After one of its graduates was nominated to the Supreme Court, the elite school put out a fawning press release, while a group of its alumni released a scathing letter.
The senator from New Jersey talks about Donald Trump, race, and the Supreme Court—and says he thinks he’s “taking up space” in the president’s head.
Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination is one sign of unity among divided denominations.
The late judge didn't have a chance to move Supreme Court jurisprudence. But his failure to be confirmed had a profound and regrettable effect on how we nominate justices today.
Conservatives on the Supreme Court have engineered a system that allows half the country’s population to be stripped of a fundamental constitutional right.
How to be a billionaire and pay no taxes
The Supreme Court okays unwarranted DNA swabs, but Scalia says Patrick Henry would disapprove.