The 300,000-year-old bones and stone tools were discovered in a surprising place—and could revise the history of our species.
There’s good news and bad news.
Vegans popular on social media often get bullied when they fall short of their fans’ diet demands.
Besides the usual way
By studying rats in a smarter way, scientists are finally learning something useful about why some drinkers become addicted and others don’t.
Even the beeswax used in seals is rich with data about the past, including the flowers that grew in that region year to year
More than 700 years ago, demand for sturgeon, salmon, and other fish was so high that kings had to start regulating fishing.
To understand how bar-headed geese cross the Himalayas, the astronaut Jessica Meir had to raise some herself.
A new technique can preserve the organ outside the human body for at least 27 hours.