The website wants to revolutionize canine research by getting everyday pet owners involved.
A new study sheds light on proprioception, the sense a person uses to understand the position of their body parts.
The new music video for Josh Ritter's "Love Is Making Its Way Back Home" is a gorgeous, handmade animated collage.
More specific labels like “climatarian” and “reducetarian” can help people stick to their food choices by making them feel like part of a community.
Anohni’s Hopelessness protests America’s sins by pretending to celebrate them.
At least in North Carolina
New evidence suggests that in many situations, America’s most feared dog is as docile as other breeds.
Researchers used freeze-dried sperm that spent nine months on the International Space Station to produce healthy pups on Earth.
Gas compressors in New Mexico seem to mess with some arthropods’ behavior.
The rules behind the naming rights for cosmic rocks