A group of scientists is pushing ahead with plans to build whole genomes—including human ones—from scratch.
Ancient dung samples are being used to figure out how the mammoth went extinct and how the Americas were populated.
Seventeen years after the original Blue Planet, the BBC Natural History Unit has perfected the art of the blockbuster documentary.
Rebecca Palacios began teaching soon after a landmark court case mandated integration of Latino schools—and watched the case's effects weaken over decades.
A look back at stories, poems, book reviews, and art from 160 holiday seasons
Tiny plastic building blocks are spilled into oceans and waterways before they’re even made into plastic goods.
A nation’s response to disaster speaks to its strengths—and to its dysfunctions.
TikTok is on the chopping block. Instagram is pointless in lockdown. The best we can do is a hokey piece of software that takes us somewhere unexpected.
Traditional theories portray stockholders as fully focused on profits. But that’s not as true as it once was.
The vaccines will need an update at some point. But not every variant of concern will warrant one.