The great paradox in the world today is that the “dumb simplicity” of America’s self-perception is both obviously bogus and fundamentally true.
The future of the democratic world will be determined by whether the Ukrainian military can break a stalemate with Russia and drive the country backwards—perhaps even out of Crimea for good.
The Florida governor has a plan to win the Fox News primary—and lose everything else.
Countering “dangerous movements at home might be the most productive thing we can do to maintain a convincing voice abroad,” one reader argues.
On the intellectual bankruptcy of moral equivalence
How Republican leaders betrayed an entire worldview without missing a beat
Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump pressured the Ukranian government to act. But the similarities are only surface deep.
Putin’s not-so-quiet sabotage campaign against European democracies
Protesters in Georgia are trying to stem Putin’s growing influence in the region.