Economic penalties gain force over time, and for average Russians, the pain is finally setting in.
The Ukrainian city has been hit with rocket attacks, rumors of rocket attacks, and much else.
The real “higher goal” of the deal was not what a Kremlin spokesperson suggested.
Russia’s war has confronted Xi Jinping with a stark choice between standing for principle or defending his strategic partner in Moscow.
Trump and Vance are sending a dark message to America’s allies.
The country is much more than a sphere of influence.
It is in the differences from past wars that insight into today’s battles lies.
If those records are damaged in Russia’s invasion, other Ukrainians might not have the same chance.
Russian state TV is sounding an awful lot like Trumpworld these days.
The great paradox in the world today is that the “dumb simplicity” of America’s self-perception is both obviously bogus and fundamentally true.