How the West underestimated an ideology’s animating force
Rebel leaders in the eastern part of the country say they will stop military operations starting Wednesday at midnight.
The United States can—and must—wield its power for good.
In its timing, design, and execution, the Wagner chief’s threatened coup bears the hallmarks of a well-prepared operation.
The Ukrainian president isn’t the problem.
But there are no Churchills, either. And Ukraine will fight alone.
And today’s voters hold America’s entire future in their hands.
Xi Jinping said his country and Putin’s Russia are friends with “no limits.” The reality is more complicated.
Societies that scapegoat foreign powers for domestic problems erode their ability to solve those problems.
If this conflict is a new cold war, it’s one that the autocracies have been pursuing energetically and the democracies have been loath to accept.