Widespread flooding in China, a wildfire in the Mojave National Preserve, a water polo match in Japan, a trampoline championship in England, and much more
"Limiting wars to those that are in the national interest and can be won eliminates many wars." You wouldn't think politicians and thinkers would need to be reminded of this point, but they do.
Pro-Russian factions are pressing forward with voting on Sunday—a challenge to the West and to the Ukrainian government
By pledging to support Mike Johnson, Democrats have freed the House from the grip of GOP hard-liners.
A scorched forest in France, a crowd of mourners outside Buckingham Palace, an earthquake in China, flooding in Mexico, a scene from China Fashion Week, and much more
Storm damage in a Denmark harbor, shrimp fishing on a Belgian beach, the WNBA-championship victory parade in Las Vegas, anguish and sorrow in Israel and Gaza, and much more
The way in which the U.S. disclosed intelligence ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could drastically change geopolitics in the future.
The rollout of NASA’s new rocket in Florida, drought and wildfires in Southern Europe, a bridge collapse in Norway, a presidential election in Kenya, a surf competition in Panama, and much more
A new view of the planet Jupiter, a mass wedding ceremony in Peru, severe drought in China and Europe, monsoon flooding in Pakistan and India, a human pyramid in India, and much more
Mourning after a deadly stampede in Indonesia, spray-on fabric at a Paris fashion show, protests against femicide in Ecuador, a blooming desert in Chile, and much more