Widespread flooding in China, a wildfire in the Mojave National Preserve, a water polo match in Japan, a trampoline championship in England, and much more
By pledging to support Mike Johnson, Democrats have freed the House from the grip of GOP hard-liners.
A scorched forest in France, a crowd of mourners outside Buckingham Palace, an earthquake in China, flooding in Mexico, a scene from China Fashion Week, and much more
Storm damage in a Denmark harbor, shrimp fishing on a Belgian beach, the WNBA-championship victory parade in Las Vegas, anguish and sorrow in Israel and Gaza, and much more
What happens when free-speech absolutists flinch
His excoriating critique of Western liberalism is more relevant than ever.
The rollout of NASA’s new rocket in Florida, drought and wildfires in Southern Europe, a bridge collapse in Norway, a presidential election in Kenya, a surf competition in Panama, and much more
A new view of the planet Jupiter, a mass wedding ceremony in Peru, severe drought in China and Europe, monsoon flooding in Pakistan and India, a human pyramid in India, and much more
Mourning after a deadly stampede in Indonesia, spray-on fabric at a Paris fashion show, protests against femicide in Ecuador, a blooming desert in Chile, and much more
The way in which the U.S. disclosed intelligence ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could drastically change geopolitics in the future.